Should you stay with your company for the long haul? George Cacioppo shares what you need to consider
If you’ve been with your company or organization for a long time, it can be tough to know when it’s time to shift to a new workplace. While some people happily work within the same company for the entirety of their career, this is becoming increasingly rare. Here, George Cacioppo shares what you need to think about when deciding whether it’s time to make a change to a new company.
Consider Your Passion
There’s no way around it–companies experience ups and downs as a natural part of the business. If your company experiences extreme financial highs and lows, it’s essential to consider whether it’s worth it to you to stick with the company for the long haul. If you’re passionate about your job and genuinely enjoy the day-to-day aspects of your work, the satisfaction you get from your career might make it wise to stick with your company. On the other hand, if you could take or leave your current position and don’t feel particularly passionate about the work your company does, it may be an intelligent move to explore other opportunities, according to George Cacioppo.
Look For Advancement Opportunities
Like most driven people, it’s likely that you eventually want to climb the ladder and move into a management or supervisory position at your company. Therefore, it’s essential to learn whether advancement opportunities are available for someone in your role within your organization. According to George Cacioppo, conversing with your direct supervisor can be an excellent way to learn about advancement opportunities. In addition, your supervisor can also tell you what you’d need to move forward within the company (for example, you may need to further your education), which can help you decide whether you’re likely to be able to make the career moves that meet your goals within your current company.
Are Your Skills Well Utilized?
Whether your skill set comes from past job experience or your education, you’ll want to consider whether your current company is utilizing all you have to offer when deciding whether you’d like to move forward to a new organization, according to George Cacioppo. When you feel that you’re making valuable contributions to your company, staying happy with your career long-term can be more accessible. But, on the other hand, if you feel like your skills and abilities aren’t appreciated, or you feel like you’re constantly passed over for opportunities that would be an excellent fit for you, it may be time to move on.
Value Alignment
It would help if you felt comfortable with and connected to your company’s mission. In addition to feeling passionate about your work, you also need to feel a connection to what your company is offering its customers, according to George Cacioppo. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable with how your company meets its bottom line, it’s probably a good idea to start looking for a new path.